When you join TOS, you are helping TOS achieve its conservation and educational goals, you are also eligible for some exciting exclusive member opportunities:
TOS ANNUAL MAGAZINE & BULLETIN - Our annual magazine features articles about birds and birding opportunities in our great state. Texas leads the nation in the number of species that have been observed (over 660!). You will also receive the TOS bulletin, which includes peer reviewed articles of a scientific nature.
TOS NEWSLETTERS - Published three times per year, TOS newsletters provide additional timely information about events taking place in which you can participate as a member of TOS.
- Texas A&M Press: 30% discount on books ordered by phone (800-826-8911), fax (800-617-2421) or on the web. This discount is only for books published by Texas A&M Press.
- University of Texas Press: 30% off the full list price of any book, plus free domestic shipping.
- Cornell Lab or Ornithology Birds of the World: 20% discount to this online resource of information about the life histories of all the world's bird species.
- Princeton University Press: various discounts throughout the year.
The discount codes, for use by current TOS members only, are listed in our membership welcome letter, or can be obtained by emailing
TOS APP - The TOS BirdsEye TexasOS app for iPhone features all the species on the Texas list and a map of all the birding hot spots in our state.
FREE ACCESS TO TOS SANCTUARIES - Your membership also entitles you to free access to any of our sanctuaries. Currently we own two in the High Island region, and Hooks Woods; one near Beaumont, Sabine Woods; and another on the central coast at old Indianola, Magic Ridge. These are some of the hottest locations for passerines (perching birds) during migration.
TOS SPRING & WINTER GATHERINGS - As a member of TOS, you are eligible to participate in two annual meetings held in various parts of Texas in winter and spring. These events include daily field trips with knowledgeable trip leaders, educational programs in the afternoons and evenings, and the opportunity to meet other people interested in birds from around our state.
TOS FIELD TRIPS - TOS periodically plans field trips for our membership to other states and regions such as Alaska, Minnesota, Colorado, Arizona, and Panama. Weekenders are field trips within Texas in which participants get to spend a weekend exploring the birds of various places around the state.
Please consider joining TOS and supporting our efforts in conservation and education. The benefits more than cover the cost of membership. You can join and pay online by clicking here. Or you can join by downloading and printing the application and mailing it with your check to our TOS mailbox. Thank you for considering becoming a member!
We hope to see you at the next TOS meeting.
Texas Ornithological Society
Welcome to the Amazing World of Texas Birds!
If you love birds, Texas is definitely the place for you! With eight different geographical regions to explore, each offering its own, unique wildlife environment; more than 660 species to be discovered; and a location adjacent to the tropical regions of Mexico and Central America, you never know what you might see when you grab your binoculars and head out!
Texas Ornithological Society is proud to promote the discovery, knowledge, observation and conservation of birds in Texas since 1953.