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American Redstart
American Redstart

Annual TOS Director Elections
The membership of TOS elects 12 members of the TOS Board of Directors. The terms for four of the members expire annually, and an election is held each spring to fill those four positions. Directors serve three-year terms.

In support of those elections, please submit your nominee(s) for the TOS board to a member of the Nominating Committee. In fact, we encourage you to volunteer yourself to serve! The current committee chair is Kelly Smith at

Annual TOS Officer Elections
The election of TOS officers - president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer - is conducted annually by the board at the first meeting after the annual director election. Officers serve one-year terms.

General Information
Under the 2016 TOS bylaws, election of TOS directors to the TOS board is held annually. One-third of the twelve director positions expire each year, and elections are held for three-year terms.

According to current board practices, elections are held in March with terms expiring in early May. Officers of the board are then elected each year by the board itself at its first board meeting after the newly elected directors begin their terms. Officers serve one-year terms.

Beginning in August each year, the Nominating Committee solicits nominations for positions scheduled to expire the following year. By the next February, the slate of candidates is placed on the ballot and that ballot is submitted to the membership for a vote.

All members are eligible to vote for all positions, including all regional directors.


Texas Ornithological Society

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Texas Ornithological Society

Welcome to the Amazing World of Texas Birds!

If you love birds, Texas is definitely the place for you! With eight different geographical regions to explore, each offering its own, unique wildlife environment; more than 660 species to be discovered; and a location adjacent to the tropical regions of Mexico and Central America, you never know what you might see when you grab your binoculars and head out!

Texas Ornithological Society is proud to promote the discovery, knowledge, observation and conservation of birds in Texas since 1953.